Elevate your occasion with american wagyu beef

Occasions to Elevate with American Wagyu Beef

Jun 9, 2020 |  Uncategorized

Well-known for its legendary origins and exceptional marbling, American Wagyu beef is sought after at restaurants all around the world. But, American Wagyu beef isn’t just for dining out—you can prepare it right at home to create fine dining experiences with your loved ones or treat-yourself moments. With American Wagyu beef, you’ll find that giving everyday moments the celebrations they deserve is easy – and delicious.

Celebrating the Small Things: Cookout with Wagyu Burgers and Hotdogs

We all have big celebrations in life like birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations. But, we have a lot of smaller moments worth celebrating too. Maybe your kid earns a B+ in that challenging math class. Maybe your favorite sports team won the big game. Or, you finally bested the whole family at a game of H-O-R-S-E. These moments can be packed with joy, and jazzing up your cookout with some extra juicy American Wagyu burgers is a great way to celebrate them. Fire up the grill and try an American Wagyu Cali Burger for a healthy twist or cook up Banh Mi American Wagyu Dogs for the kids.

The Luck Keeps Coming: Treat Yourself with Wagyu Tostadas

Some days things just go your way. You grab an old jacket and find a $20 hiding in the pocket. You get the best parking spot in the lot. You hit all the green lights on your way home. And the radio plays your favorite song. Days like these can feel amazing, and they’re perfect for a little extra something at dinner. Gather a few friends and keep the positivity rolling with Garlic-Citrus Marinated Tri-Tip Tostadas— mouthwatering beef, a little heat, and a touch of citrus pack a lot of flavor in a small bite.

Feeling the Good Memories? Bond Over Wagyu Beef Dinner

It could be a visit from an old friend. A card in the mail from a favorite aunt. Or a stack of old photo albums you rediscovered in a closet. Sometimes we all fall into moments of nostalgia, and sharing favorite stories with friends or family over a dinner can help us indulge in those memories. Create the perfect scene for some feel-good remembrances with a unique twist on a comfort food favorite: Gruyere Stuffed American Wagyu Meatloaf.

Wagyu New York Strip: The Top of Your To-Do List

Whether it’s at home or work, we all have an ongoing to-do list – from hitting that deadline or achieving the coveted “inbox zero” to finally repainting your bathroom or organizing your closet. Reward yourself for making that progress with a leveled up classic cut—try this recipe for American Wagyu New York Strip with Browned Butter and Fresh Chimichurri for a flavorful twist.

Life’s Good: Wagyu Just Because

It’s easy to miss moments that show just how good life can be – and how good the people we encounter can be too. Celebrate the little things that bring a smile to your face—sunshine in the forecast, your neighbor bringing over a six-pack “just because.” Your teen mowing the lawn without being asked. Or simply finding that missing sock that’s been bugging you for weeks. Even the littlest joyful occasions are worthy of a meal packed with delectable flavor. Try American Wagyu Meatballs and Sweet Pea Risotto for a chef-worthy dinner to celebrate the small things.

Want More Wagyu?

Learn more about what gives Imperial American Wagyu beef its unique texture and flavor in our previous blog post, “What is American Wagyu Beef?”, or visit our website for helpful preparation tips, more great Wagyu beef recipes, and tips on where to find American Wagyu beef.